Status of Land Cover
This chapter summarizes the status and trends of human footprint, vegetation types, native habitat, and linear footprint in Tolko's Southern Operating Area. It also examines the effects of land base changes, such as fire and human footprint, on vegetation types, with a spotlight on 2023 wildfires.
Summary of the status of human footprint and native vegetation as of 2021.
Summary of trends in human footprint and vegetation, from 1950 to 2021.
Summary of the effects of land base change, including fire, human footprint, and forests aging, on vegetation types.
Summary of the effects of the 2023 wildfire season on the Southern Operating Area.
Summary of the changes in average stand age between 2010 and 2021 and following the 2023 fires.
Summary of the status of native habitat as of 2021, and trend from 2010-2021, including area of interior habitat at 50 m, 200 m, and 500 m away from human footprint.
Summary of the status of linear human footprint, circa 2021